Cooney Endowment
This scholarship is established by the Cooney Endowment for the Arts. It is the intentions of the Cooney Endowment for the Arts to partner with State Fair Community College to benefit local students and grant a donation to enable students to transfer to a baccalaureate program.
The Cooney Endowment for the Arts (CEA) is a Missouri, not-for-profit corporation, that was recognized by the Internal Revenue since November 2003 as a tax-exempt organization as described in 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Endowment was formed for the purpose of providing and promoting creative education in the Arts.
Endowment Board of Directors include: Barbara Lamy Cooney, Diane Burnett, Krista Kempton, Sally Lockett, and Melinda Moore, who disburse funds in the form of program supports, scholarships, and grants to strengthen arts education in west central Missouri. Their projects include: Camp Blue Sky, the Ruth Duckworth exhibition at the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, the Click after-school photography program, Art from the Heart, a benefit for the Heart Association, and Saturday at the Daum- just to name a few.